Holiday Depression

Every year right after Halloween I sometimes get a small sad feeling inside. It isn't always very noticeable, especially when I am busy, but its there. Usually I am most aware of it before I go to sleep at night and when I am especially tired (which frequently happens during the holidays). Many people share a similar feeling, others may have it to a lesser degree and some feel it very strong. Those who feel it most intensely may even develop clinical depression or suicidal thinking. 

There are many reasons why these feelings can present themselves this time of year - expectations of self, family, friends, society during the gift giving holidays, the desire or pressure to attend many events and visits, the realization of a lack of funds, income, or ability to celebrate the way one wants or feels pressure to, and so on. Strained relationships with family and friends, lost loved ones, and even distance from loved ones can intensify these feelings.

I often feel the pressure to live up to my own (and even others') expectations during the holidays. I live a distance from my family and many of my friends. My husband also becomes very busy this time of year. I have children's activities, end of semester responsibilities, and my own desire to be in "the holiday spirit."

Depending on the cause of your holiday stresses, sadness, or even depression determines what may be helpful to cope with those feelings. For example, I know that I need to increase my use of the word "no" during this time and need to engage in activities that make me feel close to my loved ones that are far away and have passed on. For you, it may be staying away from family or engaging in service to others. As always, do not be afraid to reach out to others who may be able to guide you through the process of determining what is right for you. The article below describes some things that may be helpful during this and future holiday seasons.


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