Bullying: It's Not Just For Kids!
I admit that I have wanted to write this blog for several years now. I have even considered researching this topic as well. One of the main things that has held me back was my fear that others would invalidate my experiences and that of others who have also experienced bullying behavior as adults. I have come to realize that this is the exact reason why I need to write this. If adults are experiencing bullying incidents and are told that bullying does not occur in adults, that it is something we outgrow, this serves to only perpetuate the issue. If, however, those who have experienced this come forward and speak up, then it is an issue to be addressed. According to a survey conducted by a Harris Poll, 31% of people have been bullied as an adult. What defines adult bullying is feeling oppressed, belittled, humiliated, or de-energized by another. Actions can include personal insults, ridiculing jokes, threats, and public shaming according to an article from Very Well Mind. I admit ...