What You Wished You Knew Before Starting Therapy
Buzzfeed posted an article a few months ago that pulled together the responses given by the community when asked what they wish they knew before starting therapy. It is likely that many of us held/hold some untrue or misleading beliefs about what therapy was actually going to be like before going. Those of us in the field may take it for granted that others know what to expect and may forget our own past confusion. As you may also be aware, media does not always have the best representations of what counseling is and is not, either. How are you to know what to expect or not be surprised when it does not look or feel like you were expecting? I will discuss some of the feedback from the article here. You don't have to have significant trauma or a major diagnosis to go to counseling. That's right! You may have said to yourself, "I'm not having as much difficulty as others" or "It's not that bad" to justify not going to therapy. However, anyone...