C is for Cookie
I am sitting at my desk, neck deep in grading, writing for my dissertation, and weeding through my overflowing email box. What is on my desk next to me? Sometimes it is a bag of tortilla chips or box if Cheez-its. Other times it might be a package of cookies, candy, or other sweets. Am I hungry? Absolutely not! Am I even enjoying what I am eating? Absolutely not! Are you familiar with this scenario? Perhaps you are dealing with another type of stressor or feeling lonely, depressed, anxious.... We, as people, can be really good at eating our emotions. This can lead to many issues, including poor health and not actually addressing our emotional experiences. Some advice from US News & World Report (https://health.usnews.com/health-care/articles/2018-02-22/putting-the-brakes-on-emotional-eating): "First, it helps to think about the future rather than just that moment. Refocus on the long-term health benefits of good nutrition, and remind yourself how much more import...